Katie & Calvin’s Wedding day in Umbria.
The most beautiful place to get married in the heart of Italy, our own lovely green Umbria.
Katie and Calvin had their wedding in Umbria, they married in the XIII century Abbey of San Faustino Massa Martana followed by a reception a short drive away at Castello di Montignano. The location is quite isolated but breathtaking and completely unspoilt, totally off the tourist trail.
Despite the pouring rain during the preparations the sun came out just as the bride arrived at the church. Afterwards, the bridal party took a spin around the local village of San Faustino in very cute Fiat 500s. Aperitifs were by the pool as the sun set and the dinner was held in a marquee in the gardens. A lovely wedding and a great crowd, thank you both for a great day, you picked a fantastic location.
Thanks to Louise Faulkner for brilliant hair and make-up.

“If one has basic requirements for being happy, then Umbria provides some of the best surroundings for happiness.”
Patricia Clough