Estonia Wedding Perugia – Triinu and Sergei
I feel so lucky to meet such beautiful people in my job. Triinu and Sergei are two ballet dancers from the Republic of Estonia who married in the heart of Umbria, Perugia.
The capital city of Umbria, Perugia is a very special place to me, it was my first experience of Italy, the first place we stayed when we came for a holiday back in 2003, and because of our experiences that time it set the ball in motion to finally decide to move here!
I love it when it’s just me with the bride and groom, it always feels so personal and relaxed. We wandered the streets, got a bit lost and of course Sergi just couldn’t help himself and had to get a few dance moves in! Everything about these two was elegant and graceful.
Thank you both for such a great experience and for showing me some of your dance skills. I hope you like these and I have a lot more to follow.
Baci e abbracci, Siobhan x.